A pocket guide for general practice to Recognise, Respond, Refer and Record Domestic Family Violence.
Developed by the Hunter New England and Central Coast PHN, this guide outlines how GPs can recognise, respond, refer and record domestic family violence.
Trauma - helping family or friends
This webpage resources outlines ways to help those who have experienced a traumatic event, including what not to do or say.
Things Never to Say to Trauma Survivors
This webpage resource provides information on what not to say to trauma survivors.
Supporting Survivors of Trauma: How to Avoid Re-traumatization
This webpage resource explores how to support survivors of trauma and outlines practical ways to avoid re-traumatisation.
Neurobiology of Trauma
This factsheet explains how the brain and body respond to trauma, helping us to better understand survivors of trauma.
Understanding Neurobiology of Psychological Trauma - Tips for working with transition-aged youth
This factsheets provides practical information on how to work with transition-aged youth,
The Neurobiology of Trauma
This webpage resource explores the neurobiology of trauma.
The Neurobiology of Trauma - Informed treatment for PTSD
This resource explains the link between the neurobiology of trauma and PTSD.
Neurobiology of Trauma
This webpage resource explains the effects of trauma on the brain.
Specific Populations and Trauma Types - PTSD in older people
This companion document is part of the Australian Guidelines for the treatment and the prevention of Acute Stress Disorder, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Complex PTSD.