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InsideOut’s GP Hub now available

InsideOut’s GP Hub, in partnership with Sydney Local Health District, is now available to support GPs in improving the early detection and treatment of people with eating disorders.

The role of the GP is increasingly complex and demanding. There are time pressures, concerns about complexity and service-related issues when taking on people with eating disorders. In response to this, the InsideOut GP Hub aims to support GPs to get in earlier, resolving these perceived barriers to care.
The GP Hub is here to help GPs identify people with eating disorders sooner, providing resources needed to intervene early and help people to avoid more severe and longer-term illnesses.

The GP Hub is a one-stop-shop for use at the point of care, created with GPs, for GPs, people with lived experience, clinicians, practice managers and practice nurses. It is a 360-degree digital support for the whole GP practice, and includes a suite of digital tools and information designed to save time, enhance workflow and support diagnosis, assessment and treatment. 

To access this exciting new hub, click here.