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Focussed Psychological Strategies Skills Training with The College of Medical Hypnosis

Discover the power and the potential of the human mind through The College of Medical Hypnosis' 6 day Face to Face Clinical Courses. Learn valuable and powerful skills to advance your current skill set and to dynamically boost your effectiveness in empowering your patient’s mental health in your clinical practice.

The College of Medical Hypnosis has trained thousands of registered health professionals with accredited RACGP CPD approved training since 1993 and GPMHSC approval since 2007.

Their courses are unique and specifically designed and developed to provide an invaluable, experiential, hands on and impactful learning experience. Our training includes Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), counselling, guided imagery, the Focussed Psychological Strategies and relaxation. Clinical Hypnosis is a powerful tool and is taught adjunctively to the FPS at the courses.

Accredited by the RACGP and GPMHSC to earn 76 CPD hours including EA, RP and MO.

GP’s will be eligible to register with Medicare as an FPS provider (level 2) and to claim face to face item numbers 2725, 2721, 2723 and 2727 and their telephone and video equivalents. The GPMHSC has also approved this training for FPS-CPD.

Our courses are not only of immediate practical benefit for your patients, but are an invaluable investment for your own health and that of your family as well.

Enquire here now Dr Alan Fahey MPsychiatry

6 Day Clinical Hypnosis CBT-FPS Course Certificate